Love is a real Ingredient

You know when your visit family and your mom or dad cooks your favorite meal how it tastes and how it makes you feel. That is Love you are tasting and feeling because no matter how you try to follow the recipe to the letter sometimes it still doesn't quite taste the way they make it.
My grandmother makes the best dressing, and my mom makes the best lasagna still to this day I look forward to both. I have tried to master the dressing but to no avail not close to grandma's secret touch. Most of us have that secret touch on a few dishes we create in our kitchens that make our family and friends shed a tear on the first bite.

This holds true with Love Guac when I first began making with green goodness I never measured what went in I just knew the right amount. I would chop up all the ingredients and place them in a large bowl adding them one by one. The right amount of seasoning and the proper technique of mixing it all so that it was evenly blended. More times than not once I did the taste test it would be perfect and my customers would prove that to be true.
Love is a real ingredient and should be used in everything we do! I don't mind telling people what I use in my recipe because I already know it is not gonna taste like mine. There is a whole process of mind, body, and soul that goes into each container of guacamole that I make, which makes you Love Guac!