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Guac Queen!

Yes, that is what I am known as now all hail the Guac Queen how did I get here? There are a lot of people that have asked me what made me decide to sell guacamole? It all started as a kind gesture to my co workers; I made it and someone brought the chips. I would do it once a month then it turned into twice a month.

During that time I was perfecting the recipe using my co workers as test subjects. Once I had the right formula for excellent guacamole, Jennifer suggested that I sell it! For someone like me that is always looking for an opportunity to make extra money and get some tax write offs in the process, there was no hesitation on my part.

Brenda gave me a connection to a young man named Nicholas who help design my logo and , I began taking orders and it took off from there! There were some things I learned quickly and came up with new flavors as well as offering chips. I soon realized the cost of avocados and had to come up on my price.

I also found better and more efficient ways to prep and make each flavored batch. Once I got my routine down, and orders started coming in Love Guac began. There are so many people I like to thank for believing in Love Guac who gave me the spark to spread the Love.


Jennifer Williams Yolanda Palmer Mike Scott

NeVaeh Jones Ingrid Brenda Johnson

Bobby Bristow Terry Getter Gerry Estelle

Brenda Callaway Arlean Kimble Dwayne Parker

Krystal Brown Monica Baugh Lori Wormley

Jeff Laplume Monica P Rozalind Plenty

Dwayne Parker Asabi Keith Parron

Che Parron Charlene Sander Theresa Clay

Tricia Braithwaite Timothy Burden Danyella Greene

Lori Wormley Dawn Crawford Tiarra Murphy

Rosalind Plenty Chanelle Williams Dawn Crawford

Rachel Greene Khadine Springer Rosemary Perrow

Dann Greene Alisa Daniels David Vaughn

This is just a few of the people that have and continue to support Love Guac!

Thank you for pouring love into me so that I can give it to the world.

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